Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sing a song of praises!

Back in from morning chores. A reminder, I'm taking over Richard's chore run while he's in southern California, so the various birds and I have a much deeper relationship than we usually do. We're not just passing in the hall, but we're engaging in conversations in depth with topics ranging from feed grade to feces freezing (a decided coup in winter) to territorialness or as Shmuel's behavior if translated would say: "Get the fuck out of our house!" It's beautiful out today, clear, a foot of new fallen snow shimmering on the surface of things. Gives the day a sparkle.

It's high time for some more reasons I love living here. I don't really know exactly where we are on the 100 reasons list, but let's say 46:

46) Hardwicke, Vermont. Just getting to know a little about this town that has turned itself around from derelict status to being a model for the way we look at food. Bringing back individual responsibility, a local focus, a respect and honoring of the land, cutting back our addiction to fossil fuels, all with an eye on entrepreneurship and extending these practices out to the common man. Read "The Town That Food Saved" very inspiring stuff. Makes me proud to be a Vermonter.

47) Richard. My husband. A proud Vermonter himself. Though I planted the seed to move here, he was the one that followed the dream with blazing speed, taking the lead, listening to his intuition, and now with a whole flock of various birds, coops he's designed and built, an array of new knowledge surrounding the care of his aviary, being a member of the town planning board, active in many varied and creative pursuits around the area, Richard has transformed himself into a Vermonter of the highest order, involved, proud, and knowledgeable. And loved by me.

48) High Mowing Seeds. Our local organic seed company. Very near Hardwicke. Grand catalogues, thorough instructions and stats all fueled by a firm belief in the larger picture, the good that they're doing. Very inspired and inspiring. Another reason I'm proud to be a Vermonter.

49) Single Payer Health Care. Granted, it's just in the discussion stage right now, but at least there's a discussion, there's an aim. I'm proud of Governor Shumlin for making this a priority. Vermont once more can lead the way - as they did with same sex marriage - to make our lives richer, more equitable. We can be the model that makes clear that Single Payer is the best way to go. Health Care is everyone's right. Added to that, I have a personal feeling that individual responsibility needs to be factored into this. Single Payer should not be a dependency relationship. When it comes to taking care of one's own body and one's health, the main responsibility should be ours by how we eat, how much, how we treat our body, how we honor it. I feel issues like obesity are many times indulgent individual issues whose "cure" should not be taken on by any insurance deal. I'm off my soap box now.

50) Newbury road care. I love our road crew. The way they tend and groom our roads is exceptional. I see our tax money at work. Especially impressive on our back roads in the boonies. High thumbs up.

51) VPR Both classical and news. I'm proud to be a contributor and listener.

52) Local libraries. I am absolutely blown away by the libraries in small towns in Vermont. I had expected there to be stacks and stacks of books from the nineteenth century, but the shelves are well stocked with current releases. They are rich, rich boons to every community, many times offering extra-curricular activities like book groups, sometimes facilitated by a member of the Vermont Department of the Humanities, and chock full of vital, curious, and passionate people. Terrific!

53) A Young Elder. This is a model I've experienced here. Maybe it's New England stock, but whatever the reason, I'm so fond of the 70 and above crowd here, all very engaged in life, wanting to learn more, staying active and vital and ALIVE in so many ways. They seem to have a firm and honored place in people's hearts and minds here and it's inspired a glow in the path ahead for me.

Have a great day!!

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