These were taken about a week or so ago around peak color. Now you have an idea of what walks with our geese look like. Also our pond has excavators in it as I write, mucking around in the goo. The plans are to put a new drainage pipe in today and then we'll decide whether to let the pond fill back in or allow the sides to dry and scoop out a little bit more of the gunk a few weeks down the road. We shall see.
Amazing seeing the silt build up from decades. The geese wandered over with us this morning to take a look at the progress. They hang close behind us, striking various meditative poses, as if they were silent advisors, emissaries flown in from the bird kingdom to offer their 2 cents worth of wisdom. They're pretty terrific padding about on the carpet of fallen leaves, perfectly comfortable and content to be with us. Yay.
What wonderful colours on the trees!
What a beautiful place! Very nice photos.
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