It's chilly here in New York City. Officially it's hovering around 59 degrees, but the whipping wind feels November to me, despite the brilliant sunshine and I've got a heater going back in my room. But this marginal complaint is nothing compared to the 5 inch snowfall up on our hill in Vermont. Richard said driving up toward our place from the closest village, the landscape changed from wet to white flocked Christmas time. And in 2 days it'll be 75 and it'll all be gone, vanished, vamoose.
AND chicks are hatching, turkeys are hatching, and geese are a week away from hatching. Life pipping through. Ginger and Mary Ann and Schmul are as protective as always, squawking to beat the band whenever Richard gets anywhere near their coop. "Stay Away!" seems to be their mantra. I'm imagining all these goings on from 5 hours south, feeling divided from the Green Mountain Place, pricing rental car prices at Hertz for a quick dash up on my day off and startled to find the price to rent a hybrid from Hertz has jumped $40 a day from what it had been 4 weeks ago! And that's with a AAA discount! Compels me to watch Michael Moore's "Capitalism: A Love Story" again and pay closer attention.
Still I'm feeling the pull, the pull to be back. It'll be the beginning of May and maybe I could help get the garden in, sugar snap peas and beets and carrots and parsnips, some nice lettuces. That would be worth the drive, grounding myself in that rich soil. Just breathe the air up there. Take in the quiet, nary a traffic sound around. That would be good, that would be worth the ride. We'll see.
Enjoy the pictures of the new born turkeys and the snowy countryside!